Made in Sweden for the Nordic climate

Gas heating

That is how it works!



Ready for a bath?

A gas-heated bath heats up quickly, heating takes about 4 hours (bathtub about 2 hours). All you have to do is fill up with water and then press a button – then the water is heated to a comfortable bathing temperature and you can jump in. Because you use gas, the heating is completely smoke-free and you don’t have to worry about neighbors being disturbed . When you buy one of our hot tubs/terrace pools or the bathtub with gas heating, a gas heater, assembly trolley on wheels and all necessary accessories are included, what you need to buy yourself is a gas tube and reducing valve.

Perfect in dense housing.

A gas-heated bath is excellent in a densely built-up area with gardens and houses next to each other. Because the hot tub is heated with gas, no wood is needed and the heating is completely free of smoke and the smell of smoke.

Easy heating without smoke

To start the bath, you pull out the specially adapted gas trolley with the heater and also your gas tube. to start the pump access to a socket outlet is required. When the pump is connected, turn on the heater, manual for how to install and start and stop the heater can be found here: Gas manual

In order to get up to a bathing-friendly 38 degrees, approx. 2-5 kg ​​of gas oil is needed, starting temperature and outside temperature obviously affect both the gas supply and the time the heating takes. The gas heater is 36 kW and is CE marked.

Winter use

If you have a gas-heated hot tub/terrace pool/bathtub, you must empty the water after your bath during the winter. You must also ensure that the water flows out of the hoses so that they do not freeze. The gas heater and the gas must be stored in a frost-free area when not in use.

If it is very cold outside, it is also important to keep an eye on the gas heater while it is heating, if, for example, the gas runs out or freezes during heating, the gas heater will stop, and there is a risk that the hoses will freeze if you do not have the gas heater under supervision. Also keep in mind that the battery in the gas heater runs out faster during the winter and therefore needs to be changed more often.

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